Monday, April 30, 2012

Bi Rain

There is just not enough of you on this blog...


Dear God, Rain, dear God.

Aston Martin One 77


Back to Your Regularly Scheduled Funny Posts

This is so funny.  And probably true, lol.  Poor Onew's got it tough.

Serious Post

Slave contracts and the price they pay.  Sometimes, in looking out at the world and trying to find our way, we forget the good about where we came from in the first place.  Sorry, Korea, but its times like these that I'm glad I'm an American.

Kwon Ji Yong

Finally, a man who understands me.  I swear, we would be the most fashionable couple on the planet.  Move over Victoria and David, move over.

GD is a Tease



Love.  Love is the word, people.  This boy's BAMFery and simultaneous cuteness is just...there are not words.  Except, possibly, perfection?  Yeah, that one will just have to do ;)

Million Dollar Baby

Yes.  This is yes.


I feel like this describes me sometimes, too.  I'm so not the girly-girl everyone 
thinks I am, and  neither are you, Taeminnie!

Onew aka Kinky Jinki

Boy, you are the smartest one in the band, possibly in all of Kpop.  I know you know what this says...


            Poor one will play with him.  Lol he is so cute.

Funny Shinee Macros, Part I

Poor Jjong....

Haha Key would.

Kyu, don't corrupt him!!!

Poor Taeminnie....

Well, he's legal now ladies (and gentlemen)...

Oh, Onew, your weirdness is adorable.  PS, I totally poke at everything, too.

This last one is so true its almost not even funny...Half the time watching that show, all I wanted to do was run in there screaming, "THIS IS NOT HOW YOU CARE FOR A CHILD!!!!" and take the baby away from them.  Thank God Minho and Key exist.  Shinee, I love you, but you guys are sometimes idiots:

Key and I Share an Understanding

I think there is this secret person inside of me who is really bitchy and tough, and when I see Key, he just brings that out in me...

He also maybe brings out my violent streak....

But mostly, I think I just appreciate his IDGAF fabulosity.  If I ever get to go shopping with him, it would be heaven.


           Why do you make me laugh so much????

Hello Baby

Jjong: "This is not the reality I wanted." *pouts*
Me: Funniest. Thing. Ever.  I don't even know why.  It just is.

Minho Loves Yoogeun

     He's not my type, but this made me love Minho.
    They still see each other sometimes, you know.  Awwwww


What is this and why was I not invited?  I mean, God, just look at their hair.  Om nom nom...


Badass bitch is badass.

TOP is Awesome.

'Nuff said.


              Original camera whore.


Heebum, what I would do to be able to have just one ounce of your patience...
Seriously, cat, how do you do it!?

Sunday, April 29, 2012




KB Sloth Meltdown

Whenever people want to know about me, I direct them to this video.  Kristen Bell and I understand each other...Between a three and a seven, people...

Acura NSX


Robin Hood





                              His teaser was the best.

Daddy Rain

Caption not even necessary.


Mir and I understand each other...

                                            *Credit to kawaiivshentai 

No More Mr. Nice Girl

I in no way endorse TMobile, but ahhhh this is just so cool.  Also, why doesn't my life have background music?  Somebody get on that.


Living. My. Dream.

Heechul + Hangeng 4eva

I ship them so hard.

All Hail the Heedictator, Part II

                    Only Heechul...


          I love this.  Cute guys who are sweet with animals?  Total win.


   Incoherent fangirl scream at Henry's hotness.  Boys who play instruments  and can dance like that?    
   Yes, please.

Kim Fucking Heechul, I Love You

At. the. end.  OMG.  Just...skip to the last 10 seconds, people.  Not that Heechul isn't talented as fuck, he is, but me.  You are going to want to see this.

Onew. Is. Sexy.

Rocker Onew.  From the Rock of Ages musical if you don't know ; )

Talk About a Classy Affair...


Kim Hyun Joong Plays the Guitar!?!

What can I say?  I've always been a sucker for guitarist boys...KHJ, your sexiness just went up a factor.
Also, this song is awesome.  Da-da-uh-DAH!


The Obligatory BOF Appreciation Post

          The reason I love Boys Over Flowers.
          Two words:  Suit.  Porn.
          Ji Hoo?  Be still my beating heart, that shirt is starched to perfection.
          Perfection, I say!

Son Ga In

 I.  Love. Her.

Kim Hyun Joong

    Classy boy.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Arrested Development

Just a note to say that this is possibly the greatest TV moment ever:

Oh, did you think I was going to put a link there?  Sorry, but I can't link every single episode of Arrested Development.  And there is no way to choose one single moment out of the sheer brilliancy and genius that is that show.  But here's a taste:
freaking out his whole family....LOL

Teukie and the Tiger

He has a tiger right now, people.  Leeteuk is clearly living my dream.  Ahhhhh

LOL at my title, it kind of makes me want to write a children's book now.  Leeteuk, you on board??

GDragon Gaho Love

Its *possible* that I stalk Gaho more than GD...Do I care?  Haha, no.  

Sidenote: The. Cuteness.  GD is seriously gonna be the best Daddy someday :)




Not gonna lie.  I listen to this and dance around in the mirror.  This song does awesome things for people's self-esteem.


Best. Break-up song. Ever.

All Hail the Heedictator

His awesomeness is undeniable.
Heenim FTW.

Macro Madness

Okay, this is so true that I can not decide if I should laugh or be concerned.


Kim Heechul, you badass.

Call Me The Commentator...

Guys.  I love commentating on things.  Ah, this is great.  I do not have a whole bookmarks folder of random shit for nothing.  Now I can talk about it all I want.  YEEESSSSS.

(Ps- Nathan Fillion FTW.  Always.)

Bi Rain, People.

There are not even words.
Rain, you are  I do not have the words.

Onew (Again).

Your thighs are sex.  That is all.


Kim Hyun Joong, why are you the way you are?  Why are you so perfect?  Quoting Michael Scott here and I don't even care...